
Re: [webtier] is this a <f:ajax> bug ?

From: Jim Driscoll <Jim.Driscoll_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 22 May 2009 09:07:43 -0700

When it fails, what happens? What values are you setting things to?

when you remove the ajax tag, what happens?

Have you tried debugging the problem? Have you used firebug?

Is there anything in the server log?

Is it always failing at the same place? I.E., it's unlikely to fail
from four - it's more likely to fail on "delete".

This is kinda like saying "my car stops when I go up hills, what's
wrong?" without more information, it's impossible to say.


On 5/22/09 4:09 AM, webtier_at_javadesktop.org wrote:
> hello,
> I try to play around with JSF 2.0 and have the following problem in changing
> the locale with ajax. The following code works fine
> <h:body>
> <f:view locale="#{myLocaleHandler.locale}">
> <h:outputScript name="ajax.js" library="javax.faces" target="head"/>
> <h:form id="form">
> <h:commandButton id="change" value="ajax" actionListener="#{myLocaleHandler.toggle}" image="#{msg.flag}">
> <f:ajax render="form:out form:change form:save" />
> </h:commandButton>
> <h:commandButton id="save" value="#{msg.save}" style="width: 80px;" />
> <h:commandButton id="delete" value="#{msg.delete}" style="width: 80px;" />
> <h:commandButton id="cancel" value="#{msg.cancel}" style="width: 80px;" />
> <h:outputText id="out" value="#{myLocaleHandler.locale}" />
> <h:messages />
> </h:form>
> </f:view>
> </h:body>
> however, if i add an additional component to update, for example
> <f:ajax render="form:out form:change form:save form:delete" />
> or want to update everything
> <f:ajax render="@all" />
> it fails.
> Is this a bug or am I wrong?
> regards
> Bernd
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