
Re: [webtier] Tomcat - Grizzly - reference implementation

From: Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart <pelegri_at_sun.com>
Date: Sun, 19 Apr 2009 09:07:57 -0700

Tomcat was the reference implementation for a number of releases but
that has not been the case for a while (IIRC, starting in Servlet
2.5/JavaEE 5/2005). For quite a while the apache home page still
stated that Apache was the RI but this was fixed a few months ago.

The official Servlet RI is that in GlassFish.

Grizzly has several inter-related projects, including a NIO framework,
an HTTP framework, Comet support, and a lightweight Servlet
implementation. The Servlet implementation is not used in GlassFish and
is not (yet?) TCK compliant.

We stopped using Tomcat because it was too expensive to keep tracking
its changes in our product while maintaining the compatibility and
performance requirements our customers needed.

Hope this helps,

        - eduard/o

webtier_at_javadesktop.org wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I need you help for a clarification on the "reference implementation" terminology :
> - Tomcat is the servlet API reference implementation
> - Glassfish is the JEE API reference implementation
> - Grizzly is the servlet container of Glassfish
> I have 2 questions :
> - is Grizzly also considered as a servlet API reference implementation ?
> - why isn't Glassfish using Tomcat ?
> Thanks for clarifying !
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