
JSF2 Bugs -- AJAX and more

From: Lincoln Baxter, III <lincolnbaxter_at_gmail.com>
Date: Sat, 11 Apr 2009 10:28:33 -0400

One of our components (a simple wrapper for <h:messages>) refuses to be
re-rendered by JSF2 ajax in Firefox... but in IE, re-renders

Sometimes AJAX will stop working on a page entirely... after 2 events.
-- removing any render="" statements from the <f:ajax> tag allows AJAX
events to keep occurring after 2 events. This is specifically related to
when render is pointed at the above mentioned component.

The disabled="" attribute on inputText components seems to not be
accepting EL.

We seem to be breaking this stuff often, and providing relevant snippits
is difficult, so... for the benefit of the community, we are willing to
offer our full WAR and Sources for your eyes only (don't judge us, it's
a very beta ;)

If you take us up on it, we can figure out how to get it to you, with a
list of bugs and how to reproduce them in our App.

Ryan, this would also mean (if you want) that I can put back the old
version of PrettyFaces and let you see the lovely nullpointer issue in
the PrettyFilter class that I was getting.

Let us know..