On 4/25/09 8:20 PM, Lincoln Baxter, III wrote:
> Hi again JSF folks. I'm trying to do the following: ... but I can't
> find an incantation that works.
> I've tried putting <f:setPropertyActionListener> all over the place,
> but the value is never getting set into my target... is this something
> that is supported?
Based on this snippet, I would expect an exception to be thrown.
<f:setPropertyActionListener> should be nested within an ActionSource.
> Thanks,
> Lincoln
> <f:ajax execute="assignee">
> <f:setPropertyActionListener value="#{task}"
> target="#{taskAssigneeListener.currentTask}" />
> <ocp:inputOutputSelectOneMenu id="assignee"
> value="#{task.assignee}"
> editable="#{authorizationBean.isMember and task.status ne 'DONE'}"
> autocomplete="off" items="${viewStoryBean.members}">
> <f:valueChangeListener for="value"
> binding="#{taskAssigneeListener}">
> </f:valueChangeListener>
> </ocp:inputOutputSelectOneMenu>
> </f:ajax>