When using <h:outputScript />, the order that scripts are put out seem to be
reversed to the order they are listed in jspx.
<h:outputScript name="ocpcommon/jquery-1.2.3.min.js" target="head" />
<h:outputScript name="ocpcommon/jquery.tablesorter.js" target="head" />
Will result in:
<script src="/ocpsoft-social-pm/javax.faces.resource/ocpcommon/jquery.tablesorter.js.xhtml"
<script src="/ocpsoft-social-pm/javax.faces.resource/ocpcommon/jquery-1.2.3.min.js.xhtml"
Which causes a JS error because of tablesorter's dependency on jquery.
Is this the intended behavior of h:outputScript? Reversing the order solves
the order issue it seems. I'm not sure if that is a fluke or intended
Derek Hollis