------Original Message------
From: webtier_at_javadesktop.org
To: webtier_at_glassfish.dev.java.net
ReplyTo: webtier_at_glassfish.dev.java.net
Subject: [webtier] Re: JSF 2.0 composite components with method-valued attributes
Sent: Mar 5, 2009 19:11
I've just checked in a fix for this and pushed new bits to the site.
However, in this case, rendered controls the rendering of the composite component within the using page. This will be true for the disabled attribute as well. So if specified, it will not be
exposed to the composite component internals. I've noted that we need to warn the developer when they specify attribute names that are considered reserved.
Given this, if you want to control the rendering of the header within the composite implementation, then I suggest using a different name (i.e. renderHeader).
[Message sent by forum member 'rlubke' (rlubke)]
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