
Re: [webtier] naming conventions for LogStrings

From: Jan Luehe <Jan.Luehe_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 20 Jan 2009 09:59:27 -0800

Hi Wolfram,

I agree the PWC error numbers are kind of useless. They had been
introduced by the webserver team, at the time when the web container
codebase was shared by both webserver and appserver products.

I didn't think the concept was well thought out, though, because it was
hard to maintain the numbering in a consistent way, there was no provision
against range overflow, and no protection against duplicate error number
assignments (as you found out yourself).

I think we should retire the PWC error numbers over time, and
definitely not add any new ones.

I'm glad to see that you are making progress!



On 01/18/09 09:47, Wolfram Rittmeyer wrote:
> Hello,
> workings on my changes to Valve-declarations in sun-web.xml I of
> course want to react to error situations with appropriate log messages.
> Now having looked at LogStrings.properties I wonder what the
> conventions are.
> First of all: This file seems to be in a little mess, if I might say
> so ;-)
> Most messages contain numbers and these seem to be grouped
> (WEB0300..., WEB0400...) but quite a lot are not unique (WEB0137,
> WEB0141 and some more). There is even one messages that does not have
> any number at all (webcontainer.missingmetro).
> More relevant for my implementation: Within groups numbers are only
> incremented with every message. Is that correct?
> Also: All current valve related messages are in the number block
> PEWebContainer. Should I add my messages there?
> And finally I am curious what the numbers are good for any way. Is
> there anywhere, where more information is available to these numbers
> than the actual message text?
> --
> Wolfram
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