
Re: [webtier] JSF 2.0 PR Ajax Question

From: Jim Driscoll <Jim.Driscoll_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 05 Jan 2009 09:56:43 -0800

Hello -

Good to see someone looking at this.

A number of changes happened to the Ajax API besides the change in the
library name - and most of those changes happened right at the end of
the development process. While I haven't updated the blog entries, I
have kept their associated code up to date and running in the Mojarra
source base.

Future versions of the JSF builds will distribute these demos, but for
now, you can find the full, working source code for this example at:


This is the same link that you can find in the blog entry itself.

If you can't get that working, let me know, but I just did a test build,
and it works fine.

Jim Driscoll

Lincoln Baxter, III wrote:
> Hi All,
> First, I noticed that the library ajax.js does not exist in the PR
> release. It seems to have been incorporated with jsf.js in the
> "javax.faces" namespace/library.
> Second. I'm trying to put together the editable text ajax example from
> Jim Driscoll's blog here:
> http://weblogs.java.net/blog/driscoll/archive/2008/11/another_jsf_20_1.html
> but I'm running in to an issue where the AJAX request fires just fine,
> but the only element returned by the "render: list of ids" parameter is
> the javax.faces.ViewState element, all other elements are ignored.
> Also, the value of the inputText field is not populated in the managed
> bean. (it is however, passed as a POST parameter)
> Any thoughts?
> I can post source if required, but it's pretty much straight from Jim's
> example. (Plus the action method on submit just to verify that anything
> happens at all)
> Thanks,
> Lincoln