
default cookie domain of jsession id cookie

From: <webtier_at_javadesktop.org>
Date: Sat, 10 Jan 2009 03:53:55 PST


I am trying to modify default cookie domain of the jsessionid cookie.

namely I have: www.mysite.com and subdomains that are dynamic, such as username.mysite.com. I have done some urlrewriting and all the domains *.mysite.com
goes to the same ip.

it works nice, but while going into username.mysite.com a new session is started, since the domain is different. thus I want to be able to set the domain of the cookie to .mysite.com

I have done the following, but no luck. (btw, I am on gf3 prelude)

from web.xml

            <property name="cookieDomain" value=".mysite.com" />
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