
(JSF) Setting converter property in the backing PageBean:

From: <webtier_at_javadesktop.org>
Date: Tue, 06 Jan 2009 15:57:33 PST


I am trying to create a JSF table dynamically into a JSF page, everything goes all right except for the fact that converters only de the getAsObject() but not the the getAsString

If I create the InputFields on the JSF xml page, and I set the converter attribute everything seems to go fine. But If I create the InputField in the init() or preprocessMethod of the backing PageBean the JSF Engine doesn´t call the Converters getAsString Method. Actually, It only calls the getAsString some times.

This is the Java code of the backing page Bean

        EntityMetaData emd = Introspector.getEntityMetaData(clazz);

        int idx = 0;
        for (String s : emd.columnNames) {


            TableColumn tc = new TableColumn();
            tc.setId("tableColumn" + idx);

            InputField input = new TextField();

            if (emd.types.get(s).equals(Date.class) {
                           DateTimeConverter c = new DateTimeConverter();
                           input.setConverter(c) ;

If I was to do the similar in the JSF xml Page it would work (something like this)

<webuijsf:tableColumn headerText="col1" id="tableColumn1" width="200">

                                        <webuijsf:textField converter="#{EntityEditor.dateTimeConverter2}" text="#{currentRow.value['fecha']}" id="textField3"/>

Anybody got a clue?
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