
Re: [webtier] Glassfish v3 -- JSF 2.0 faces-config.xml SAXParseException causes context load failure

From: Ryan Lubke <Ryan.Lubke_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 29 Jan 2009 09:35:45 -0800

Ryan Lubke wrote:
> Lincoln Baxter, III wrote:
>>> Mojarra will display the version string of the implementation when
>>> it starts up.
>>> What's the version being displayed in the log for this application?
>> [#|2009-01-28T18:42:36.060-0500|INFO|sun-appserver9.1|javax.enterprise.resource.webcontainer.jsf.config|_ThreadID=20;_ThreadName=RMI
>> TCP Connection(9)-;/ocpsoft-social-pm;|Initializing Sun's
>> JavaServer Faces implementation (1.2_04-b20-p03) for context
>> '/ocpsoft-social-pm'|#]
>> Looks like it's loading JSF1.2, even though JSF2.0 is included in the
>> WEB-INF/lib directory. How can I override this? (Both glassfishv2 and
>> glassfishv3)
>> Thanks,
> See:
> https://javaserverfaces.dev.java.net/nonav/rlnotes/2.0.0/releasenotes.html
> There are installation steps for both versions.
One other point, if you're using 2.0 nightly builds on v3, then I'd
backing up modules/jsf-api.jar and modules/web/jsf-impl.jar and then copy
the JARs from the nightly bundle into the locations described above.

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