
Re: Login context for multiple contexts

From: <webtier_at_javadesktop.org>
Date: Wed, 03 Dec 2008 06:38:35 PST

> In app1's web.xml, what should go into 'auth-method', if not 'form'?

'FORM' -- dim bulb! You could [i]almost[/i] say it's working now.

This thread seems a bit confused, so if you'll bear with me I'll recap what I'm trying to achieve and where I've got. The apps deployed to root and root/app1 are each in its own context

1. attempt to navigate root/app1
2. server redirects to root/login.jsp
3. login okay
4. server redirects to root (showing root/index.jsp)

It's the last point that is the drawback. Ideally, the server should redirect to root/app1 (showing root/app1/index.jsp).

If anyone can offer any suggestions, I'd be grateful.

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