
Re: [webtier] ConvertDateTime: one day deleted in view forms

From: <webtier_at_javadesktop.org>
Date: Tue, 09 Dec 2008 09:42:40 PST

> FWIW, we fixed this in JSF 2.0.

Sorry, but seems you didn't fixed it in JSF 2.0 at least when application using facelets.
After we just switched to facelets the same effect show up - date takes day off :)

This effect appears in JSF 2.0 build 5 and JSF 2.0 build 7.

With regular jsp pages DateTime convertor works correctly.

Using timeZone helped to fix the issue but it's not good to use this kind of work around.
<f:convertDateTime dateStyle="short" timeZone="GMT-5"/>

Please resolve the issue as soon as possible.

Thank you,
[Message sent by forum member 'vladperl' (vladperl)]
