
Re: [webtier] Composite components in JSF 2.0 - Retargeted actionListeners

From: <webtier_at_javadesktop.org>
Date: Wed, 03 Dec 2008 08:42:47 PST

Thanks for the quick fix ... indeed a subtle bug :)

Everything is working fine now.....

The composite components was one of the new features in JSF 2.0 that I found very interesting and I wanted to see it in action...

We're currently preparing an upgrade of all of our JSF webapps (currently still at JSF 1.1 due to JDK / J2EE container limitations) and I wanted to get a sneak preview of the 2.0 release (although we're most likely going to upgrade to JSF 1.2).

Can you tell me if JSF 2.0 will be dependent on any features in the JEE6 spec, or will it be able to run on JEE5 certified containers available today ?
[Message sent by forum member 'ddewaele' (ddewaele)]
