
Web Tier Programming in NetBeans 6.5 and Beyond

From: John Yeary <johnyeary_at_gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 12 Nov 2008 07:12:32 -0500

Hello All,

I was asked to post this to the Glassfish lists because it may be of
importance to some of you if you are doing web tier programming. It will
also give some of you a chance to ask questions about the status of


Please join Sun's Arseniy Kuznetsov, director of NetBeans Engineering, Mark
Dey (NetBeans 6.5 Release Boss), and John Jullion (NetBeans Web Tier Mgr)
for a one hour call *WED NOV 12th at 0800am Pacific; 11am US East Coast; 5pm
Europe.* There will be 30 min of slides and 30 min Q&A...we may go longer
for the Q&A...

The topic will be "*Web Tier Programming in NetBeans 6.5 and Beyond*". We'll
look at some of the new and cool functionality in NetBeans 6.5, talk about
the Project Woodstock status, and look at the future direction of web
development in NetBeans.

Call-in#'s and registration is here:

And you can forward me any questions ahead of time for a FAQ page we'll be
addressing later...and we'll try to answer as many questions we can on the
*Tentative Agenda:*

   - Web App Programming in NetBeans IDE 6.5
      - PHP
      - Ajax and JavaScript
      - Visual Web
   - Project Woodstock Update
   - Directions for the future

  [image: Arsiney Kuznetsov]

Arseniy Kuznetsov



*Arseniy Kuznetsov* is the NetBeans Director, responsible for all NetBeans
Engineering and Business operations, located at Sun's engineering center in
Prague, Czech Republic. With over 15+ years experience in software
development and 12+ years managing software development teams. Arseniy has
been with Team NetBeans since 2002. He is also fluent in Russian, English,
and Czech.
*Mark Dey* is a NetBeans Engineering Manager *
John Jullion-Ceccarelli* is the NetBeans Web Tier Sr. Manager.

John Yeary
"Far better it is to dare might things, to win glorious triumphs, even
though checkered by failure,
than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer
much, because they live in the grey
twilight that knows not victory nor defeat." -- Theodore Roosevelt

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