
Re: [webtier] How to navigate by URL in jsf?

From: Ryan Lubke <Ryan.Lubke_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 25 Sep 2008 09:27:34 -0700

webtier_at_javadesktop.org wrote:
> Hi!
> I want in my web jsf app to set in execution time the contents of the <to-view-id> in <navigation-case>, <navigation-rule> of faces-config.xml. Decorating NavigationHandler etc.. i only can set logical view name (<from-outcome>) just before search <to-view-id>. I want to set destination url depending on a parameter stored in a database, ex. '/pdf/12345.pdf', on 12345 is the parameter. Anyone knows where/how to set just after jsf logical flow process <navigation-rule> and before the use of <to-view-id> (phisical file page)?
> tia.
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Unfortunately, the NavigationHandler is sort of a black box currently,
so there is no way to modify
the behavior of the default NavigationHandler implementation.

This kind of custom support will need a full NavigationHandler
implementation instead
of decoration. Something I hope we can improve on in JSF 2.0.