
Re: How can I get the mapping for the JSP and compiled Servlet.

From: Jan Luehe <Jan.Luehe_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 25 Aug 2008 17:35:51 -0700


The JSP compiler automatically generates a source map (SMAP) according
to JSR 045.
The SMAP serves to associate lines of the input JSP file(s) to lines in
the generated servlet .class file.

This can be disabled by setting the "suppressSmap" init-param of the
JspServlet to "false"
(either globally in your domain's default-web.xml, or for an individual

You may also instruct the JSP compiler to dump the SMAP into a file
(named for the generated
servlet .class file, and suffixed by ".smap") by setting the "dumpSmap"
init-param of the
JspServlet to "true".


On 08/25/08 03:16 PM, Peng Li wrote:
> HI
> In glassfish, I can use keepgenerated option to make Glassfish to keep
> the Servlets for the JSPs that have been accessed. Now, I would like
> to see more details for this translation(from JSP to Servlet). I am
> wondering if Glassfish has a table or map to record the mapping bewten
> each line in JSP to the line numbers in Servlet?
> Cheers
> Peng
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