
Re: [webtier] Question on JSPC porting from Tomcat to GlassFish

From: Rajiv Mordani <rajiv.mordani_at_sun.com>
Date: Fri, 01 Aug 2008 17:45:51 -0700

Hi Kinman,
    See comments in-line -

webtier_at_javadesktop.org wrote:
> In answer to some of the issues raised by Mike in his blog:
> * Glassfish does not include an Ant task for JSP compilation. Though it does include a jspc script, it is not usually used. The deploy option --precompilejsp makes manual compilation of JSP pasges unnecessary. I believe the ant task that work for tomcat may also work in glassfish.

Does it make sense to provide the ant task (or a modified version of it
if it does not work) from jsp.dev.java.net that can also be available
via maven?

> * Jspc in Glassfish includes for compilation all JSP pages that has .jsp and.jspx suffices, as well as those that are declared (with jsp-config) as JSP files in web.xml.
> * Yes, jsr 199 is supported. Glad that you've found it to be much faster.

Yes indeed. We need to make sure that this makes it into the
documentation as well if it isn't already there.


- Rajiv

> * Jpsc lets you direct the resultant class files with -d option.
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> http://forums.java.net/jive/thread.jspa?messageID=291014
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