
Re: How the way for create a new NavigationHandler

From: <webtier_at_javadesktop.org>
Date: Tue, 12 Aug 2008 21:02:41 PDT

Thanks jkva!!!

My approach is use a NavigationHandler like a second tier for security. This means is only for change the navigation rules for one or other user. Like one Manager need a third way for validate the process, and other Manager not need.

But with you sugestion I use a PhaseListener for make the second security tier. I will think about this.

But the first security tier is the http basic/form authetication, but not work yet. However, I use the session object for preserve the autorization object, make with jsf form, and test identy on Managed Bean.

And in managed Bean I make too a Authorization process.

Thanks a Lot.
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