
Scales 1.0 RC2 has been released

From: Jason Lee <jason_at_steeplesoft.com>
Date: Mon, 23 Jun 2008 16:20:12 -0500

I have just uploaded RC2 for Mojarra Scales 1.0, a JSF component set
born of the Mojarra Sandbox. This release features a number of bug
fixes and a handful of new enhancements. When updating, make sure you
grab the latest JSFTemplating snapshot from either its download page
or Maven, as there are some bug fixes and features there that Scales
needs. You can download the last jar here:


Changes in 1.0 RC2
In no particular order:
* A bug was fixed in JSFTemplating regarding ':' encoding in URLs.
This will affect
  sc:download if it is used inside a NamingContainer (such as h:form
or h:dataTable). If
  you use the component in this manner, you will need to grab a
JSFTemplating build from
  June 9 or later.
* Added code to try to automatically determine the mime type if one is
not provided. For
  this to work, a filename must be given. If both properties are
null, the default is
* Fixed a method="download" bug affecting IE.
* Added null pointer checks needed for when verifyObjects is set to
true (issue #15)
* Added build-time support for a GlassFish Update Center module
* Upgraded to YUI 2.5.2
* Added missing / in templates/multiFileUpload.xhtml (issue #16)
* Fixed some build issues regarding @Override caused by Java 6 vs Java
5 differences
* Added support for f:param to sc:download. For each f:param found
with a name/value pair, that pair
  will be added to the URL generated. This will help in situations in
which the component is in a table
  and you need to pass some sort of identifier to the managed bean to
load the data associated with the
  current row, for example.
* Added f:param to the demo under the "Default url variable" example
* Localization now supported on sc:dateSelector. Currently, the only
two locales supported
  are en and de. New localizations can be added as need (I only speak
English, so they'll
  have to be contributed), but projects should be able to create
  com.sun.mojarra.scales.MessageResources_xx_yy.properties, and set
the locale attribute on
  the component to "xx_yy" to get immediate use of the new locale.
This method has not been
  tested yet, but works in my head. :)
* It appears that YUI 2.5.2 doesn't like a null axis on the charts, so
the default value
  now is "''" (i.e., an empty pair of single quotes). Odd, but it
seems to fix the cases
  where there is no Axis defined. Ideally, that parameter wouldn't
even be used if there
  is no value, but doing that will take a bit more work than I have
time for at the moment,
  so this work around will have to suffice. End users shouldn't
notice either way.

If you have any more (or new) issues, please be sure to raise them on
the users list (or, better yet, in the Scales issue tracker) to make
sure they are addressed. Hopefully, the next release will be 1.0.

A big thanks to everyone for the feedback!

Jason Lee, SCJP
Software Architect -- Objectstream, Inc.
Mojarra and Mojarra Scales Dev Team