RE: [verifier] comments on verifier source code

From: Seema Richard <>
Date: Fri, 14 Nov 2008 06:21:52 +0530



My comments are inline in red.





From: Rajeev Kumar []
Sent: Thursday, November 13, 2008 10:49 AM
Subject: [verifier] comments on verifier source code


I am working at ARICENT Technologies Gurgaon.Due to my company's internal policy we are not allowed to call STD Toll Free numbers.So i missed the teleconference on 11-11-08.But I want to know about the teleconferencing in detail , so please
send me details via mail.


We can forward the MOM to you.


I am studying the code and i have following comments :
1.) Why we are making the nextgen verifier as a pure commandline tool as we are taking input from console and printing result on
the console.We can make an interactice gui for nextgen verifier and that gui can be used as a plug-in for eclipse also.


That is a possibility which can be considered after the core functionality is developed. As mentioned before, making IDE plugins for Verifier is in the pipeline.


2.) I found the usage instruction:

Usage: java Main {verifysource,verifybinary} {<comma separated list of source file directories>,<comma separated list of binary files>}

as misleading.Here Main is misleading because in our code base there is no calss named Main should it not be as:

Usage: java VerifyMain {verifysource,verifybinary} {<comma separated list of source file directories>,<comma separated list of binary files>}

or suppose our nextgen verifier is packed in a jar file called NextGenVerifier.jar.Then this usage instruction should be:

Usage: java -jar NextGenVerifier.jar {verifysource,verifybinary} {<comma separated list of source file directories>,<comma separated list of binary files>}


That might be a typo in the usage instruction, it needs to be corrected


3.)In VerifyMain class we are calling:

controller.verifyBinaryArchive(args); for binary verification and passing args parameter.What is the need of passing this
parameter as what i have observed this args parameter is not used by Initializer class constructor.And the following method is commented out:



Please download the latest code base from the wiki, the code has been refactored last week


4.)Why following constructor's code is in nextgen verifier code base :

  * This constructor is called by the deployment backend. The invocation of
  * this constructor is in the server's process.
 public BinaryVerifier() {
  frameworkContext = new FrameworkContext();
    + // NOI18N
    File.separator + "logs" + // NOI18N
    File.separator + "verifier-results"); // NOI18N
As it is never called from VeriferController Class.


Please download the latest code base from the wiki, this method was removed when we cleaned up the code last week


Rajeev Kumar



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