[gf-users] Glassfish 4.1.1 Issues

From: Venugopal - OIT, Deepu <>
Date: Fri, 29 Jul 2016 15:05:39 -0600

Dear Team,

We are using Glassfish 4.1.1.
We are not able to run most of asadmin commands as we are getting below
Could you please help us to fix this issue?

[glassfish_at_hssdrl491 bin]$ pwd
[glassfish_at_hssdrl491 bin]$
[glassfish_at_hssdrl491 bin]$* ./asadmin list-nodes*
Unknown error
Command list-nodes failed.
[glassfish_at_hssdrl491 bin]$

If we try with help, we are getting *"Invalid cookie for
http://CLI_Session/ <http://CLI_Session/>:"*

[glassfish_at_hssdrl491 bin]$ *./asadmin list-nodes --help*
Invalid cookie for http://CLI_Session/:

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Command list-nodes executed successfully.
[glassfish_at_hssdrl491 bin]$

Deepu Venugopal

CBMS Project
Middleware Administrator
Email: <>
Desk: 303-764-6958