[gf-users] ORB endpoints?

From: thufir <>
Date: Fri, 13 Mar 2015 05:30:39 -0700

I'm trying to understand:

<!ELEMENT client-container (target-server+, auth-realm?,
client-credential?, log-service?, message-security-config*, property*)>
<!ATTLIST client-container send-password %boolean; "true">

<!-- Target server's IIOP listener configuration
     name Application server instance name
     address ip address or hostname (resolvable by DNS) of the ORB
     port port number of the ORB
<!ELEMENT target-server (description?, security?)>
<!ATTLIST target-server name CDATA #REQUIRED
                         address CDATA #REQUIRED
                         port CDATA #REQUIRED>

for the address and port, that's the ip address, for instance, for the
ORB? The client connects to the ORB?

appclient -help says:

            optional; a comma-separated list of one or more server
            specifications for ORB endpoints. Each server specification must
            include at least the host. Optionally, a server
specification can
            include the port as well. If the port is omitted from a server
            specification, the default value, 3700, is used for that host.

so that it seems like targetserver would be how to specify the ORB?

