[gf-users] Re: SSL certificate not being recognized

From: Martin Gainty <>
Date: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 16:41:57 -0500

Date: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 13:35:46 -0500
Subject: [gf-users] SSL certificate not being recognized

I installed Glassfish and added my certificates to server.keystore. I then went into Glassfish admin and for the listener set the nickname to apex and keystore to server.keystore.
MG>When you stored the certificate in cacerts you had to provide an alias...make sure the alias is same as nickname in GF admin
MG>at least that way Glassfish can locate the certificate based on nickname(the alias for cacerts)MG>cd $JRE_HOME\jre\lib\securityMG>keytool -exportcert -alias ALIASNAME -keystore cacerts

However, when I go to the web page via ssl, it states there is a problem with the certificate - I said to continue. When the next page comes up, it shows a certificate error. I click on the message and it shows a valid cert date of today through the next 10 years - no way. Where is this coming from. I did this by following the Glassfish v3.1.2 and SSL by the Java Dude weblog. Any ideas?
