[gf-users] Re: multiple instances

From: Andreas Ernst <>
Date: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 10:06:47 +0100

Am 21.11.14 um 21:23 schrieb Jim Ernsberger:
> I have a client that is running version 3 and would like to also setup
> version 4.1 on the same linux server for development, is there a guide
> or documentation for this type of setup ?

Why not use the NetBeans buildin GlassFish on your computer?

Quick and dirty get the zipped GlassFish, put GF where ever you want,
change in the domain,xml the ports. And start GF by hand.

ae | Andreas Ernst | IT Spektrum
Postfach 5, 65612 Beselich
Schupbacher Str. 32, 65614 Beselich, Germany
Tel: +49-6484-91002 Fax: +49-6484-91003 |