[gf-users] jaxb-osgi.jar has bad Manifest

From: Pollock, Wayne <>
Date: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 23:58:59 +0000

I have seen this behavior for some time now, under Windows 7,
warning messages coming from javaee.jar, as this output shows:

C:\Temp>javac -version
javac 1.8.0_25

C:\Temp>asadmin version
Version = GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.1 (build 13)
Command version executed successfully.

class Foo {}

C:\Temp>set CLASSPATH=.

C:\Temp>javac -Xlint:all

C:\Temp>set CLASSPATH=.;\Java\glassfish4\glassfish\lib\javaee.jar

C:\Temp>javac -Xlint:all
warning: [path] bad path element
.1033.jar": no such file or directory
warning: [path] bad path element
1033.jar": no such file or directory
warning: [path] bad path element
.1033.jar": no such file or directory
warning: [path] bad path element
1033.jar": no such file or directory
warning: [path] bad path element
2.1033.jar": no such file or directory
warning: [path] bad path element
802.1033.jar": no such file or directory
warning: [path] bad path element
1041.jar": no such file or directory
warning: [path] bad path element
.jar": no such file or directory
warning: [path] bad path element
.19.jar": no such file or directory
warning: [path] bad path element
"\Java\glassfish4\glassfish\lib\..\modules\stax-ex-1.7.7.jar": no s
uch file or directory
warning: [path] bad path element
 no such file or directory
warning: [path] bad path element
no such file or directory
warning: [path] bad path element
"\Java\glassfish4\glassfish\lib\..\modules\xsdlib-2013.6.1.jar": no
 such file or directory
warning: [path] bad path element
.jar": no such file or directory
warning: [path] bad path element
no such file or directory
15 warnings


I have traced the bad class path elements to jaxb-osgi.jar.
The manifest seems to be an old template manifest, not the
correct one, but I don't know that for certain.

By editing that manifest file, I can eliminate the warning
messages. However I think some of the elements do need to be
there, just without the "-<versionNumber>" part; for example,

More troubling is the reference to "jaxb1-impl-2.2.10-b14080.jar",
which I replaced with "jaxb-impl.jar". (It's also strange to me
I was able to get away with this; the gf jars aren't signed!?)
with such drastic changes, I have little confidence that my
modified gf is correct.

But it seems strange to me that nobody else posted about this, so
I'm thinking I must had done something dumb? Can someone more
knowledgeable than I look into this?

If this is indeed a bug, I would like to suggest the correct manifest
be used, the code recompiled under a supported version of Java (the
current manifest suggests Java 6 was used), and then regression and
compliance testing be redone.

Wayne Pollock