[gf-users] Re: Glassfish 4 remote ejb very slow

From: Steven Siebert <>
Date: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 10:52:52 -0400

>3) what does your EJB do (what resources does it access, etc)?
> a. It uses @EJB to inject local and remote ejbs

Are these remote EJBs on the same GF server?

>Where do I send the test app to?

You can upload the test app to wherever is most convenient for you... is a common place, for example.

>I will try to get it later, but right now I am getting torn apart at work
over this. I will try to get it later today or tomorrow.

OK. Your other answers rule out some considerations, a reduced app would
help us diagnose the problem with you.


On Thu, Oct 23, 2014 at 10:40 AM, Brent Vaughn <> wrote:

> We have 80 applications on the same GF 4.1 instance. Probably half of
> those use remote ejbs.
> 1) what kind of load are handling when you have this slowdown...or
> is it always?
> a. We have 80 applications on the same GF 4.1 instance. Probably
> around 30 of those use remote ejbs. It slows down across all the
> applications that use remote ejbs
> 2) what are your ejb pool settings?
> a. The defaults from when you install. Initial and Minimum Pool
> Size is 0. Maximum Pool Size is 32. Pool Resize Quantity is 8. Pool idle
> timeout is 600 seconds
> 3) what does your EJB do (what resources does it access, etc)?
> a. It uses @EJB to inject local and remote ejbs
> 4) anything in your log?
> a. Nothing that I saw
> 5) is this app on the same physical machine, using the same
> hardware, or did you also change the host?
> a. All the apps are running on the same physical machine
> 6) any other external changes?
> a. Not that I know of
> Where do I send the test app to? I will try to get it later, but right
> now I am getting torn apart at work over this. I will try to get it later
> today or tomorrow.
> *From:* Steven Siebert []
> *Sent:* Thursday, October 23, 2014 6:51 AM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* [gf-users] Re: Glassfish 4 remote ejb very slow
> We're gonna need some more information about this...
> - what kind of load are handling when you have this slowdown...or is it
> always?
> - what are your ejb pool settings?
> - what does your EJB do (what resources does it access, etc)?
> - anything in your log?
> - is this app on the same physical machine, using the same hardware, or
> did you also change the host?
> - any other external changes?
> The easiest way to get an answer to your question, and give you a leg up
> in submitting a bug if there is one, is if you can reduce the problem
> within a small test application? If so, can you share that test
> application so we can test and check it out ourselves?
> S
> On Wed, Oct 22, 2014 at 4:29 PM, Brent Vaughn <> wrote:
> We upgraded today to Glassfish 4.1. We have a problem with our remote
> EJBs returning very slowly. What used to return in 10 seconds on Glassfish
> 3.1 now returns in 2 minutes. The “slowness” appears to be in the return
> from the Remote EJB to the client that called it. Any idea why this is
> occurring?