[gf-users] Re: Remote Deploy Problems

From: Phillip Ross <>
Date: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 22:35:28 -0400

Sorry, I might have confused things as I was in a hurry when I wrote
the previous response.

My installion of 4.0 works fine... I can do remote deployed to the 4.0
server with the asadmin included in the 4.0 installation. Intellij is
configured to use this 4.0 installation and is able to deploy to the
4.0 server perfectly. It works very well.

I tested 4.0.1 promoted builds, and 4.1 promoted builds, and now the
4.1 final release... and these have the same problem that was reported
in the two issues. I was not able to deploy to a 4.1 server with the
asadmin included in the 4.1 installation. It exhibited the same
behaviors as are documented in the jira issues. I was able to find
some "workarounds" though. I found that I was able to do a deployment
with the asadmin in the 4.1 installation to the 4.1 server by NOT
using the --upload param w/ asadmin which I've been using for a long
time with prior versions of glassfish. Unfortunately, intellij IDEA
is still not able to do this. What I am able to do in IDEA, however,
is to point IDEA at a 4.0 installation and then point it at a 4.1
server. Doing this allows me to deploy the application in IDEA to a
4.1 server... but I believe that it's using the 4.0 installation to
accomplish this. And when I say 4.0 installation... I don't mean a
4.0 server is running... just that the software is installed and IDEA
is configured to use it as it's configured glassfish installation.

Hopefully this makes things a little more clear. (hopefully) ;)

- Phillip

On Sat, Sep 20, 2014 at 8:50 PM, Reza Rahman <> wrote:
> Not sure I entirely follow but I mean when the deployment target is the
> GlassFish 4.0 release version.
> On 9/20/2014 8:14 PM, Martin Gainty wrote:
> ________________________________
> Date: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 19:31:40 -0400
> From:
> To:
> Subject: [gf-users] Re: Remote Deploy Problems
> Sorry if this is a dumb question - does this occur with the 4.0 release? I
> makes a difference in terms of tracing this down to root cause and
> prioritizing properly.
> MG>you mean use the 4.0 installation to upload to a 4.0 server?
> On 9/18/2014 4:06 PM, Dennis Gesker wrote:
> Reza, Phillip:
> I am having the same failure to deploy using the command line.
> Identical error messages as I described when trying to remote deploy from
> within NetBeans.
> Dennis
> On Wed, Sep 17, 2014 at 7:22 PM, Phillip Ross <>
> wrote:
> I was having the same issue as well with promoted builds of 4.0.1 that
> i was testing... and was disappointed to see that the issue remained
> in 4.1 clear up to final release.
> For me, the asadmin utility fails if the --upload param is used, but
> if --upload is not used, then the deployment works. Also... Intellij
> IDEA has the same problem. My workaround is to use a 4.0 installation
> to upload to a 4.1 server It's not optimal but it appears to work for
> the time being.
> On Wed, Sep 17, 2014 at 4:57 PM, Reza Rahman <> wrote:
>> Have you tried a remote deploy via asadmin (I know the other person tried
>> this)? If that works this might be a NetBeans issue. Also, is this a fresh
>> deploy or a redeploy? If it's a redeploy, it might be worthwhile to try to
>> do an undeploy first?
>> On 9/17/2014 4:50 PM, Dennis Gesker wrote:
>>> Remote deploy seems to be an issue. I got a "me too" on the nbusers list
>>> but no suggestions on a work around.
>>> My Entry is:
>>> bhicks01 pointed out it seems similar to:
>>> Could anyone offer a suggestion or perhaps a work around? I would be
>>> truly
>>> grateful.
>>> --drg