[gf-users] Glassfish Failure to Start Remote Instance

From: benjamin ndugga <>
Date: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 23:40:52 -0700

Hi Team,

I am using Oracle GlassFish Server 3.1.2 (build 23), on java version "1.6.0_28", I have an HA mode setup with Oracle IPlanet 7 as the HTTP server with the glassfish loadbalancer plugin. I have this cluster with 4 ssh-nodes however all have the same specs and with the same user glassfish that executed the glassfish bin files.

I find it strange that even after setting up permissions for ssh and file ownership I get the error below:

Command failed on node ssh-node3 ( CLI802 Synchronization failed for directory config, caused by: Permission denied
Command start-local-instance failed.

Please advise on the way forward..

