Hello, I am also receiving the same error message when trying to install the
update tool. Input/output error: Not in GZIP format This is for glassfish 4.0
and my OS is windows 2008R2 64 bit. I followed the link
https://wikis.oracle.com/display/IpsBestPractices/Downloads to download the
tool kit but I don't see anything for windows 64 bit. Windows x86 image is
not working on our system. The Universal image is working but resulting in a
different error as shown below. Errors were encountered while attempting to
retrieve package or file data for the requested operation. Details follow: 1:
Framework error: code: 56 URL:
http://pkg.oracle.com/layered/collection/dev'. (happened 6 times) 2: Invalid
content for action with path updatetool/vendor-packages/wx-2.8/wxPyth
on/lib/editor/__init__.pyc: chash failure: expected:
5ede67cc7ce49e9a553300d02b1 63320fe785fd9 computed:
49c58888b12b738dd5080cb510b298cf998edd8e. (happened 4 ti mes) 3: Invalid
content for action with path updatetool/vendor-packages/wx-2.8/wx/loc
ale/tr/LC_MESSAGES/wxstd.mo: chash failure: expected:
e9027025862b03dc39a51884d8 d6bbaef0799073 computed:
bb2e1b28cf3779913ab54f4342c28adb76ba174a. (happened 4 t imes) 4: Invalid
content for action with path updatetool/vendor-packages/wx-2.8/wx/_gr id.pyd:
chash failure: expected: 0ff3bf164407feb12f47874f1862a26d28549b4b comput ed:
49c58888b12b738dd5080cb510b298cf998edd8e. (happened 2 times) 5: Invalid
content for action with path updatetool/vendor-packages/wx-2.8/wx/_we
bkit.pyd: chash failure: expected: 6b286bb6e17ab8c6a878fae003b691e1875b6922
comp uted: bb2e1b28cf3779913ab54f4342c28adb76ba174a. (happened 2 times) 6:
Invalid content for action with path updatetool/vendor-packages/wx-2.8/wx/_gi
zmos.pyd: chash failure: expected: 678eb83ad78e61588b65d65ed5ded3efa5ba7c6f
comp uted: 99b52a73640e5ac3c45e7a3f374e138f11e64921. (happened 2 times) Can
anyone please help? Thanks
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