[gf-users] Re: Glassfish 4: Looking up JMS-ConnectionFactory from stand-alone Client

From: Amy Kang <>
Date: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 13:57:13 -0700

Hello Alex,

The following is from GlassFish 3.1 Developer's Guide
'To access a JMS resource from a stand-alone client'

You can also check out the section in GlassFish 4.0 Developer's Guide at


On 07/11/2014 11:24 AM, Alexander Schell wrote:
> Good Evening
> I've a simple Question: Is it possible to lookup a JMS Resource,
> residing in Glassfish 4, from a stand-alone Client using InitialContext
> and so on?
> I've spent the better Part of this day trying to do so...Now I need a
> new Keyboard and my Boss is not amused... :D
> Thank you very much
> Best Regards
> Alex