[gf-users] Re: How to get the latest nightly build.

From: Richard Kolb <>
Date: Wed, 9 Jul 2014 15:53:21 +0200

Hi David

Back in the days of Glassfish 3.0 beta FishCAT Judy Tang from Sun used to
keep the community informed about
1) Promoted builds
2) Changes
3) Things that the community could help test

She also helped on the quality alias, supporting test FishCAT testers. She
helped with fostering communication between the FishCAT members and the
GlasshFish developers.

I saw a mail about Fish CAT but it was really vague.

In short the community needs good communication for FishCAT to work.


Hi Richard,

Right now, you need to check the SVN history to see what's inside a
build. We are looking if we can automatically push a file with that
info, that would be more simple.

You can already use that build (in fact, we have pushed 2 builds since
that one) for FishCAT.
