Re: Scaling up

From: Blake McBride <>
Date: Sun, 2 Feb 2014 20:36:06 -0600

On Sun, Feb 2, 2014 at 8:05 PM, Steven Siebert <> wrote:

> Each request does not spawn a new up on java nio.

I understand thread pooling. But you still need the ability to allocate
enough threads to support the maximum number of needed simultaneous threads
at any given time. Each active user must have it's own thread or you won't
have multi-tasking.

> Similarly, each request does not spawn a new db connection, read up on
> connection pooling.

My understanding of connection pools is as follows. Creating a connection
to a DB is an expensive operation. It makes sense to place a
no-longer-needed connection to a pool for re-use rather than opening and
closing a new connection each time. No problem. Got it. My problem is
when you approach or attempt to exceed the maximum number of connections a
database has to offer. A connection pool offers no help here. Am I wrong?

I am wondering if there are solutions, problem, or issues I am not aware

Is it correct that you can't have more simultaneous users than available
database connections? <- BIG QUESTION

Thanks for the help!
