You are Invited to the GlassFish & Friends Party!

From: Reza Rahman <>
Date: Thu, 22 Aug 2013 15:02:34 -0400


Most of you probably already know about the GlassFish & Friends Party
that takes place on the Sunday of JavaOne San Francisco at the much
coveted Thirsty Bear. The event has become somewhat of an iconic
tradition these past few years...

If you are a GlassFish fan this is the party to attend and for good

* It's quite possibly the best place to network with some of the
brightest minds in the GlassFish, Java EE or Java ecosystems in a very
laid back setting. In the past folks like James Gosling, Kirk
Pepperdine, Bert Ertman, Heather VanCura, Cay Horstmann, Ed Burns, Ben
Evans, Frank Greco, Martijn Verburg and Bill Shannon have attended the
party. This year, folks like Paul Sandoz, Arun Gupta, Ludovic
Champenois, David Heffelfinger, Markus Eisele, David Delabassee, Bruno
Borges and Mike Lehmann have already signed up (I'll of course be there
to greet you as well). You can certainly count on most key members of
the GlassFish team including architects, specification leads and product
managers to be there.
* It's a great place to find out first hand what is going on with Java
EE and GlassFish at Oracle. As you know, this is an especially important
year with the release of Java EE 7 and GlassFish 4.
* You can meet other people using GlassFish and Java EE in the real
world and ask them about their experiences.
* Help shape Java EE and GlassFish by talking in person to some of the
most key influencers and decision makers.
* It's free - anyone in the San Francisco Bay area can attend (all you
need to do is sign up via the EventBrite link at the end of this email).
* You can grab some free GlassFish swag while you are at it like a
GlassFish t-shirt or laptop sticker.

Besides the party, if you happen to be lucky enough to be coming to
JavaOne itself, another event that you really shouldn't miss is the
GlassFish Community event on Sunday morning (9:15 AM - 11:15 AM). If you
are interested, make sure to add it to your calendar through the JavaOne
Schedule Builder. I'll be sending out more details about that event in
the next few days. For now, there is the session details on the JavaOne
Content Catalog
You should also check out the very cool Java EE 7 and GlassFish
promotion page for JavaOne on
( Lastly and perhaps
most importantly, there is the handy list of key Java EE and GlassFish
sessions at JavaOne

The party starts at 8 PM (on Sunday, September 22nd) at the Thirsty Bear
(661 Howard Street). Space is limited, so if you think this is worth
your while, you would be well advised to sign up as soon as you can
( Hope to see you there!

Reza Rahman | Java EE/GlassFish Evangelist
All views voiced are my own, not necessarily Oracle's