RE: The lifecycle method [afterPropertiesSet] must not throw a checked exception

From: Gevik Nalbandian <>
Date: Tue, 6 Aug 2013 16:42:29 -0700


 I deployed our app which works on JDK7/GFv3.1.2.2 onto JDK7/GFv4.0 and I
get the following:

Wondering if the following is an Spring issue, Apache Camel ActiveMQ issue
or Glassfish 4 issue so I thought I’d start with you guys:

Error occurred during deployment: Exception while deploying the app [*
my-app-name*] : The lifecycle method [afterPropertiesSet] must not throw a
checked exception. Related annotation information: annotation
[@javax.annotation.PostConstruct()] on annotated element [public void
throws java.lang.Exception] of type [METHOD]. Please see server.log for
more details.

