Having looked into the details of the response, I was lucky enough to find a
way of bypassing the REST interface and going direct to the
org.glassfish.embeddable.CommandRunner HK2 Service. To get hold of it I
needed to first get hold of the org.glassfish.hk2.api.ServiceLocator from the
OSGi Registry. I'm doing that part with blueprint. Then with the locator, I
can get the CommandRunner, and execute a get operation with any relevant
dotted property name (I used asadmin get * to find out the whole list) [code]
CommandRunner cr = locator.getService(CommandRunner.class, new
Annotation[0]); // get the https port final CommandResult response =
ExitStatus outcome = null; if (response != null) { outcome =
response.getExitStatus(); } if (outcome == ExitStatus.SUCCESS) { // parse the
response output to get the actual value String[] lines =
response.getOutput().split("\\n"); String[] kvPair = lines[1].split("="); //
Obtain the value in the K=V pair return kvPair[1]; } [/code] I got the
formatting help from this link
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