Re: Client transaction aborted?

From: Laird Nelson <>
Date: Thu, 22 Aug 2013 14:41:04 -0400

On Thu, Aug 22, 2013 at 1:37 PM, Laird Nelson <> wrote:

> The only extant post out there that I found that even remotely seems like
> this error is here:

I tried upping the thread pool max as outlined in that post to no avail.
 I'm not surprised; that sounded like closing your eyes and blasting away
with a shotgun trying to hit the problem. Oh well!

Here is how the error is getting triggered:

    NameType displayNameType = null;
    assert this.nameTypeManager != null;
    try {
      displayNameType = this.nameTypeManager.getDisplayNameType(); // (1)
    } catch (final RuntimeException wtf) {
      this.logger.throwing(this.getClass().getName(), "createDisplayName",
wtf); // (2)
      throw wtf;

nameTypeManager in this case is a local stateless session bean. Other
methods that executed during this same transaction ran fine.

At (1), debugging will not drop me into getDisplayNameType(). In that
method, the first statement is a logger.entering() call. This call is
never reached.

At (2), this logging output does not show up, even though other logger
output at the same level (FINER) does. (?!) Not sure how transaction
issues could affect the logging system, but there you go.

