JAX-RS broken when migrating from to 4.0

From: Oliver B. Fischer <>
Date: Wed, 21 Aug 2013 12:27:41 +0200

I have normal ear deployment with an REST interface. The application
works on GF as expected but fails completely on GF 4.0.

While debugging the problem I mentioned what GF 4 never uses my own
implementation MessageBodyReader while GF 3 it does.

So, what changed? According to the JAX-RS spec, the container should
iterate through all with @Provider annotated implementations of
MessageBodyReader. If no reader is found, which accepts the request the
container should respond with 415. I always get an error 500.

BTW, there is nothing in the log files what helps me to figure out what
is going on.

Any idea? What did I miss?

