Disambiguating two EJBs in an .ear file

From: Laird Nelson <>
Date: Fri, 21 Jun 2013 09:29:04 -0700

I'd like to confirm that the following general approach is the right one
(before I start digging into GlassFish errors :-)):

I have a SLSB (of class foo.XBean with no explicitly assigned bean name, so
its bean name is defaulted to "XBean"). XBean implements a @Local
interface, X (in case it matters).

It has this in it:

private Y y;

Standard stuff.

Y in this case is a @Local interface of another SLSB, foo.YBean, of type
@Local Y, packaged in the same .ear file.

Deployment obviously works fine.

Now suppose I add another Y implementor to the ear file: foo.UnwantedYBean.
 This is also, let's say, a @Local implementation of Y.

So two @Local Y implementations in the same .ear file and in the case of
XBean no way to distinguish them. Oops.

Obviously and appropriately deployment fails.

So now I want to make it so that my EJB named XBean injects a foo.YBean
proxy into its y field so that deployment will be happy again. Let's say I
can't do this in the annotations.

Is the following deployment descriptor XML (located obviously in XBean's
ejb jar file, in the META-INF directory--no tricks) supposed to do this?
 I've tried to simply duplicate the example on page 448 of the EJB 3.1
specification, but using <ejb-local-ref> instead of <ejb-ref>.

<?xml version="1.0" ?> <ejb-jar xmlns=""
xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="" version="3.1">

    <!-- The bean name of the EJB whose innards I'm affecting -->


        <!-- The name of the EJB reference I need to "fill"; originally
declared via annotations -->

        <!-- The bean name of the EJB in the same Java EE module I'd like
injected into that reference -->


For some reason, I've always had trouble parsing the EJB specification on
this point.

