Re: JDBCRealm package changed

From: Tom Mueller <>
Date: Mon, 20 May 2013 11:44:34 -0500

The following text is going to show up in the GlassFish 4 upgrade guide
when it is released:


    The main thrust of the GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0
    release is to provide an application server for developers to
    explore and begin exploiting the new and updated technologies in the
    Java EE 7 platform.Thus, the upgrade feature of GlassFish Server was
    not a focus of this release.The feature is included in the release,
    but it may not function properly with some of the new features added
    in support of the Java EE 7 platform.

Part of the focus for the commercial release of GlassFish will be to fix
these issues.
I've created the following issue for this specific one:

Thanks for pointing this out.

On 5/20/13 11:06 AM, Hildeberto Mendonça wrote:
> Thanks!
> It's important to mention now that people cannot simply reuse their
> domain.xml file when trying to migrate from Glassfish 3 to Glassfish
> 4. Some changes may apply.
> On Mon, May 20, 2013 at 6:03 PM, Tom Mueller <
> <>> wrote:
> On 5/20/13 10:42 AM, Hildeberto Mendonça wrote:
>> Thanks for the feedback Tom! If I understood well, LDAPRealm,
>> CertificateRealm, FileRealm and SolarisRealm are in the nucleus
>> part because they are considered as non-JavaEE and PamRealm and
>> JDBCRealm are in the app server part , right?
> Yes.
>> On Mon, May 20, 2013 at 5:34 PM, Tom Mueller
>> < <>> wrote:
>> On 5/20/13 10:16 AM, Hildeberto Mendonça wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I was trying to deploy a JavaEE 6 app
>>> (
>>> <>) on Glassfish 4 and I
>>> noticed that the package of the JDBCRealm has changed
>>> from
>>> to
>>> If you don't look at it carefully you won't notice the
>>> difference, but there is an additional "ee" there. I got a
>>> "ClassNotFouldException" during the deployment because of that.
>>> Considering that "ee" means "Enterprise Edition", then I see
>>> an ambiguity there because there is already a "enterprise"
>>> there. Do we really need this "ee"?
>>> I noticed that only PamRealm and JDBCRealm are in this new
>>> package. Others like LDAPRealm, CertificateRealm, FileRealm
>>> and SolarisRealm didn't change. Why?
>> GlassFish 4 includes changes to provide better modularization
>> between the non-Java EE parts of the server (now identified
>> as "nucleus") and the appserver parts. There use to be a
>> single "security" module which has now been divided into the
>> nucleus part (nucleus/security/core) and the app server part
>> (appserver/security/core-ee). The JDBCRealm class is now in
>> the latter module, which is why the extra "ee" was added to
>> the Java package name.
>> Tom
>>> Thanks in advance!
>>> --
>>> Hildeberto Mendonça, Ph.D
>>> Blog:
>>> Twitter:
>> --
>> Hildeberto Mendonça, Ph.D
>> Blog:
>> Twitter:
> --
> Hildeberto Mendonça, Ph.D
> Blog:
> Twitter: