AW: AW: AW: Websockets with 4.0b81 - pending / half-open connections

From: Bjoern Wuest <>
Date: Fri, 5 Apr 2013 22:28:30 +0200

Dear Pavel,

thanks for your support. For whatever reason, when I copy the javascript
code directly into the HTML file, web sockets do work. If I put the code in
a separate .js-File, web sockets do not work. I think I will go with it
having the web socket code within the HTML document.


-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Pavel Bucek []
Gesendet: Dienstag, 2. April 2013 16:25
Betreff: Re: AW: AW: Websockets with 4.0b81 - pending / half-open

Can you please share your application and steps you are doing? I cannot
reproduce described behavior with our (simplelife) sample.

Other than that - most browsers provide some kind of debugging support -
intercepting HTTP headers should be present in all major ones, so you might
want to check whether the response was received and if so, then its status
and headers. Or you can try something like

tcpdump -i lo -n -nnvvXSs 1514 port 8080

(requires root)

Sending the sample would still be useful, I will at least try it out and
check whether it is working in my environment or not.


On 4/2/13 4:14 PM, Bjoern Wuest wrote:
> Dear Pavel and all,
> Took me quite some time to respond. As suggested I have tested the
> code (both mine and yours) on Glassfish 4b82 (promotional build from March
> I tested it on my Win7 notebook with Oracle JDK7u17 as well as a
> Ubuntu 64bit Virtualbox machine using OpenJDK7. In both environments
> both codes did not work, resulting in the same log and error messages as
with 4b81 .
> Any further hints?
> Regards
> Bjoern
> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: Pavel Bucek []
> Gesendet: Mittwoch, 27. März 2013 08:46
> An:
> Betreff: Re: AW: Websockets with 4.0b81 - pending / half-open
> connections
> Can you please try latest nightly?
> 82-03_
> and if it still does not work, can you provide more details about your
> setup? (os?)
> Thanks,
> Pavel
> On 3/27/13 7:27 AM, Bjoern Wuest wrote:
>> Dear Pavel,
>> I have tried your sample even I do not see much difference to my code.
>> I tested it on Glassfish 4b81, i.e. the same Glassfish that I had run
>> my stuff. This version is the latest Glassfish version currently
> available.
>> What I did is compiling and deploying the Webapp, opening in Chrome
>> v25, clicking "Connect" button and then "Send" button.
>> Here is the output from the server:
>> <click Connect> Someone connected...
>> And here from the client:
>> <click Connect> CONNECTED to
>> ws://localhost:8080/sample-simplelife/simplelife
>> <click Send> Error: InvalidStateError: DOM Exception 11
>> According to Chrome, the Websocket is still pending to be opened, i.e.
>> receive the response from the server. Yet, the readyState of the
>> Websocket is 1.
>> Unfortunately I cannot install a packet sniffer like Wireshark to see
>> if the server responds anything to the browser.
>> Regards
>> Bjoern
>> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
>> Von: Pavel Bucek []
>> Gesendet: Dienstag, 26. März 2013 23:51
>> An:
>> Betreff: Re: Websockets with 4.0b81 - pending / half-open connections
>> Hi Bjoern,
>> can you please try running Tyrus sample? For example this one:
>> u
>> nk/sam
>> ples/simplelife?rev=549
>> (includes simple js client)
>> should do what you want. (you might need to use newer glassfish
>> build, there was new release of websocket-api in the meantime).
>> Also, you can use mailing list.
>> Regards,
>> Pavel
>> On 3/26/13 9:22 PM, wrote:
>>> Good evening,
>>> I am trying html5 websocket technology with Glassfish. I use the
>>> Glassfish 4 b81 with JSR-356 support built-in. Yet, I fail to
>>> actually really open a websocket. In google Chrome, it says that the
>>> websocket connection is pending. When I try to send something from
>>> the browser to the server via the websocket, I will get
>>> invalidDOMException with code 11. Sending something from the server
>>> to the client does not result in any exception (or even log message)
>>> but message is never received at the browser.
>>> Here is my server-side code:
>>> @ServerEndpoint(value="/ws") public class CWSHandler {
>>> @OnOpen public void open(Session S) {
>>> System.out.println("### NEW CONNECTION OPENED ###");
>>> }
>>> @OnMessage public void process(ByteBuffer Data, Session S) {
>>> System.out.println("### GOT MESSAGE ###");
>>> }
>>> @OnError public void error(Session S, Throwable Cause) {
>>> System.out.println("### HAVE ERROR ###");
>>> if (null != Cause) { Cause.printStackTrace(); }
>>> }
>>> @OnClose public void close(Session S, CloseReason Reason) {
>>> System.out.println("### CONNECTION CLOSED ### " +
>>> Reason.getReasonPhrase());
>>> }
>>> }
>>> And here is the client code:
>>> var commChannel = new WebSocket(wsURI); commChannel.onerror =
>>> function
>>> (evt) { console.log("Error: " + evt); }; commChannel.onopen =
>>> function
>>> (evt) {
>>> console.log("Connection opened: " + evt);
>>> try { commChannel.send("Hello world"); }
>>> catch (err) { console.log(err); }
>>> };
>>> commChannel.onclose = function (evt) { console.log("Connection closed:
>>> " + evt); };
>>> commChannel.onmessage = function (evt) { console.log("Received
>>> message from websocket: " + evt); };
>>> The output on the server is:
>>> [2013-03-26T20:23:34.949+0100] [glassfish 4.0] [INFO] [] [] [tid:
>>> _ThreadID=30 _ThreadName=Thread-3] [timeMillis: 1364325814949]
>>> [levelValue: 800] [[
>>> The output on the client is:
>>> Connection opened: [object Event] line 4
>>> Error: InvalidStateError: DOM Exception 11 line 6
>>> What am I missing?
>>> Regards
>>> Bjoern