Re: Need some help and advice on tuning an apache - to - glassfi

From: <>
Date: Thu, 4 Apr 2013 01:10:21 -0500 (CDT)

Thank you, amy. I increased the max thread pool to 300 based on what I read
in the documentation here: By the way I
found it very strange that the documentation indicated a suitable size was
between 100 - 500 and yet the default is 5?! I also set the max number of
proxy connections in apache to 300 like this: ProxyPass /client
ajp:// timeout=1200 ttl=1200 max=300 Those 2 changes
definitely improved performance and sent my CPU utilization way up. I also
found that I was getting OutOfMemory exceptions in my glassfish domain log so
I changed the starting memory size from 512m to 1024m through the JVM Options
of the admin console.

[Message sent by forum member 'Meatwad']
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