Overriding a GF module jar in V 3.1.2

From: Comerford, Sean <>
Date: Tue, 12 Mar 2013 15:12:40 -0400

We have a library we received from a vendor that requires a fairly old version woodstox.

It won't work with the JAR we get in $GF_HOME/modules and we've had no luck forcing our GF instance to use the old version.

It 2.1 classpath-prefix would usually do the trick for us but it seems the behavior of that property has changed.

What is the recommended way to force a single GF to downgrade to an older version of a core module?

So far the only we've gotten this to work is by deleting the woodstox jar from the GF modules directory but that's not an acceptable solution :-)

Sean Comerford Architecture & Platforms