Yep, I read this doc, but it's not right, because there are 4 long index name
: MQCONSTATE41C[clusterId]IDX1 -> 17 char + clusterId Length
MQCONSTATE41C[clusterId]IDX2 -> 17 char + clusterId Length
MQTMLRJMSBG41C[clusterId]IDX1 -> 18 char + clusterId Length
MQTMLRJMSBG41C[clusterId]IDX2 -> 18 char + clusterId Length so with a cluster
name with 14 characters (ex : CLUSTERNAME14C), glassfish generate a clusterId
of length 17 (ie : CLUSTERNAME14C_MQ) The length check pass (17+13 = 30 which
is the max length for Oracle db) for tablenames but not for Index, because
the longer index become : MQTMLRJMSBG41CCLUSTERNAME14C_MQIDX1 => 35
Characters ! so (for Oracle DB, i don't know if this is the case for other
Database) the rule is : ClusterId length must be : (Max length table/index) -
[Message sent by forum member 'hopipouet']
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