Glassfish Enhanced JMS Cluster Configuration

From: <>
Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2013 06:10:13 -0600 (CST)

Hi, I try to configure JMS Availibility but I have many problems with MQ
Broker... * My Installation : I have just install Glassfish Open Source
Edition v3.1.2.2 build 5 I select : JMS Service Type : Local JMS Cluster Type
: Enhanced (HA) Database Vendor : oracle Database URL : Database User : user Database Auth
: password Database Password : password and i add following properties :
Then I Started the domain, and created a cluster "LongClusterName" and
created one instance "instanceName" * My problems : 1) when I start the
instance the Broker Failed to start. The first error is that my clusterId is
too long so the db table creation failed. It's seems that by default the
clusterId is "LongClusterName_MQ" I try to change it (by overriding
imq.cluster.clusterid properties, imq.brokerid .... no way !) So, I delete my
cluster and create a new one with a shorter name, but if someone know how to
configure this name i'm glad to know ! 2) Now, when I start my instance (in
my new cluster with short name), tables are correctly created in my Database,
but my instance failed again to start because the connection to JMS Service
Failed Here is a part of my log file : ADDRESSLIST in setJmsServiceProvider:
mq://localhost:27676/ JMS Service Connection URL is : mq://localhost:27676/
MQJMSRA_RA1101: GlassFish MQ JMS Resource Adapter starting: broker is LOCAL,
connection mode is TCP => [C4003]: Error occurred on connection creation
[localhost:27676]. - cause: Connection refused:
connect I see some post which explain that you should not use localhost as
address. But where can I changed it ? I try to put host IP (
to default_JMS_host but it change nothing I try to add an entry in my host
file to map localhost to nothing change to... Is someone know
where should i configure it ?

[Message sent by forum member 'hopipouet']
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