you can use Java EE Api jar to compile your application against it. This api is now available in maven repository, if you are using maven, add
to your project, otherwise you can just download it from there. Using this library you won't be able to run your application since there are only interfaces and abstract classes there.
It is convenient to deploy and run your project using our Glassfish Eclipse plugin (available on update site
http://download.java.net/glassfish/eclipse/juno) on a remote server but the plugin requires also local installation of glassfish since it offers some functionality depending on it. If you really do not want for some reason install gf locally then you can deploy your WAR or EAR using for example Glassfish REST interface running on remote server manually.
Hope this will be helpful for you.
Peter Benedikovic
On Jan 5, 2013, at 2:19 PM, forums_at_java.net wrote:
> Hello! When we developed projects on php, we used the followind scheme:
> server (apache+php) and client side - developer (eclipse). But now we want to
> start using java for web development. So, we have several questions: 1. Why
> cann't we install JAVA EE libraries without glassfish? I mean when we
> download JAVA EE we download flassfish? 2. Is it necessary to install
> glassfish on every machine of developer in order developer could work upon
> project. As far as I understand here are two problems - a)developer must
> access some jar libraries b)is it possible to deploy and run from eclipse to
> remote server?
> --
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