Re: Clustering GlassFish v3

From: Tom Mueller <>
Date: Thu, 17 Jan 2013 08:52:16 -0600

I'm copying the users list so that others can benefit from this discussion.

What is the output of the "hostname" command on the system called
What is the output of the command:

nslookup `hostname`

when you run it on cluster_2?

The nslookup command must succeed in order for the GF server to start.


On 1/17/13 3:00 AM, wrote:
> I can not start a remote instance of glassfish cluster,on Redhat 6
> My config is as follows:
> I have two machines, das_cluster and cluster_2 (with a machine for the database) with the following parameters:
> for the config ssh user glassfish, I proceed as follow:
> 1-the generation of the key pair (public & private id_dsa) on the DAS machine:
> [user glassfish @ das_cluster] ssh-keygen -t dsa
> 2-publishing the public key of the other instances:
> [user glassfish @ das_cluster] scp ~/.ssh/ cluster_2:.ssh/authorized_keys
> 3-repeat the same procedure at each instance:
> [user glassfish @ cluster_2] ssh-keygen -t dsa
> [user glassfish @ cluster_2] scp ~/.ssh/ das_cluster:.ssh/authorized_keys
> 4-connect multimode apartir DAS:
> [user @ glassfish das_cluster] asadmin
> asadmin> setup-ssh das_cluster cluster_2
> 5-das machine : das_cluster, node-1,inst-1
> /etc/hosts (das_cluster)
> @ip_das Das_cluster
> localhost.localdomain localhost
> ::1 Das_cluster localhost6.localdomain6 localhost6
> @ip_host_2 cluster_2
> @ip_host_bd cluster_bdd
> 6-remote machine :cluster_2, node-2,inst-2
> /etc/hosts (cluster_2)
> localhost.localdomain localhost
> ::1 cluster_2.localdomain6 localhost6
> @ip_das Das_cluster
> @ip_host_bd cluster_bdd
> @ip_host_2 cluster_2.localdomain cluster_2
> In the end all seems to work well but to my surprise when I try to start both instances via das, inst-1 start but inst-2 fails with the following message back:
> inst-2: Could not start instance inst-2 on node 2 (cluster_2). Command failed on node 2 (cluster_2): CLI801 Instance is already synchronized There is a process already using the admin port 24848 -- it probably is another instance of a GlassFish server. Command start-local-instance failed. To complete this operation run the following command locally on host cluster_2 from the GlassFish install location /APP/glassfish3: asadmin start-local-instance --node 2 --sync normal inst-2 The command start-instance executed successfully for: inst-1 The command start-instance failed for: inst-2
> And when I try to start the instance inst-2 localy on the remote machine,it's the same problem, knowing that there is no other process glassfish which is runing on this machine and I check it with the following commands:
> ps aux | grep glassfish
> netstat -aon | grep 4848
> netstat -atunp | grep 24848
> netstat -ln --program | grep 24848.
> Thanks a lot for every one for the attention grant to this message and I will be attentive to your suggestions to solve this problem.