Clustering Glassfish

From: <>
Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2013 03:26:20 -0600 (CST)

I can not start a remote instance of glassfish cluster My config is as
follows: I have two machines, das_cluster and cluster_2 (with a machine for
the database) with the following parameters: for the config ssh user
glassfish, I proceed as follow: 1-the generation of the key pair (public &
private id_dsa) on the DAS machine: [user glassfish @ das_cluster]
ssh-keygen -t dsa 2-publishing the public key of the other instances: [user
glassfish @ das_cluster] scp ~/.ssh/ cluster_2:.ssh/authorized_keys
3-repeat the same procedure at each instance: [user glassfish @ cluster_2]
ssh-keygen -t dsa [user glassfish @ cluster_2] scp ~/.ssh/
das_cluster:.ssh/authorized_keys 4-connect multimode apartir DAS: [user @
glassfish das_cluster] asadmin asadmin> setup-ssh das_cluster cluster_2 5-das
machine : das_cluster, node-1,inst-1 /etc/hosts (das_cluster)
Das_cluster localhost.localdomain localhost ::1 Das_cluster
localhost6.localdomain6 localhost6 cluster_2 cluster_bdd
6-remote machine :cluster_2, node-2,inst-2 /etc/hosts (cluster_2)
localhost.localdomain localhost ::1 cluster_2.localdomain6 localhost6 Das_cluster cluster_bdd cluster_2.localdomain
cluster_2 In the end all seems to work well but to my surprise when I try to
start both instances via das, inst-1 start but inst-2 fails with the
following message back: inst-2: Could not start instance inst-2 on node 2
(cluster_2). Command failed on node 2 (cluster_2): CLI801 Instance is already
synchronized There is a process already using the admin port 24848 -- it
probably is another instance of a GlassFish server. Command
start-local-instance failed. To complete this operation run the following
command locally on host cluster_2 from the GlassFish install location
/APP/glassfish3: asadmin start-local-instance --node 2 --sync normal inst-2
The command start-instance executed successfully for: inst-1 The command
start-instance failed for: inst-2 And when I try to start the instance inst-2
localy on the remote machine,it's the same problem, knowing that there is no
other process glassfish which is runing on this machine and I check it with
the following commands: ps aux | grep glassfish netstat -aon | grep 4848
netstat -atunp | grep 24848 netstat -ln --program | grep 24848. Thanks a lot
for every one for the attention grant to this message and I will be attentive
to your suggestions to solve this problem.

[Message sent by forum member 'M_Fish']
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