Hello, I try to use Glassfish 3.1.1, but i have a little problem with asadmin
commands. First time I installed glassfish, everything worked until I
reinstalled after having a problem with the database. And now when i try to
start a domain with the command "asadmin start-domain domain1" i have this
message : C:\Users\Max>asadmin start-domain domain1; CLASSPATH=
D:\Outils-de-dev\Glassfish\bin\..\glassfish\modules\admin-cli.jar Commands:
[start-domain, domain1;] asadmin extension directory:
D:\Outils-de-dev\Glassfish\glassfish\lib\asadmin Prepare Process program
options Parsing program options Parse command options params: {} operands:
[domain1;] Prevalidate command options Inject command options Validate
command options There is no such domain directory:
D:\Outils-de-dev\Glassfish\glassfish\domains\ domain1; Command start-domain
failed. I didn't found the same problem on the web, i hope someone can tell
me the issue. For information, I'm running on windows 7 64B, and using the
JDK 7.0.9. PS : Sorry for my bad english.
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