(no subject)

From: Roel_D <>
Date: Fri, 14 Dec 2012 17:59:00 +0100

I can't further help you at this point, but i would suggest you take a look at liferay.

Since i asume you have joomla for writting blogs an maybe a forum, i think liferay suits you best.
- is 100% java,
- Has all you want from joomla
- has an installer complete with glassfish
- allows you to install every java /jsp app as a portlet
- is less prune to hackers

Kind regards,

The out-side

Op 14 dec. 2012 om 17:30 heeft het volgende geschreven:

> I have (mostly) fixed the problem. I used Apache's mod_proxy_ajp module (part
> of Apache 2.2, so no need to download, compile, or install) in place of the
> mod_jk module. I created a jk-enabled network listener in Glassfish in the
> same way that I described in my original post. I edited
> /etc/httpd/conf.d/glassfish.conf (the configuration file that I created) so
> that it now looks like this: ProxyRequests off Order deny,allow Allow from
> localhost ProxyPass ajp://localhost:8009/dynamic I was then able to able to
> access my Web site's home page by typing [1] in my
> browser's address window and access Java Web applications by typing
> [2] and
> [3]. (I am still working on the site and
> may change the location of these applications, so the links that I am
> including in this post might not work for you.) At first, I saw many 404 and
> 503 errors from Apache. If I repeatedly hit the "reload page" button in my
> browser, I sometimes got my Java application and sometimes a "page not found"
> or "internal error message." Also, some of my applications that put
> Servlet-generated images in pages gave me pages without the images. Forms on
> applications did not work. It looks like I have fixed those problems by
> logging onto the Glassfish administrator's console and adjusting the
> parameters of the thread pool that my jk-connector network listener is using.
> I found minimum = 2, maximum = 5, and idle = 900. I changed those numbers to
> minimum = 4, maximum = 12, and idle = 4096. (I guessed at those numbers.) Now
> I am working on finding the right mapping that will get Apache serving static
> pages and PHP applications while Glassfish serves my Java applications. I
> found many postings about how to use mod_jk to make Apache and Glassfish (or
> Tomcat) work together (including instructions in the Oracle Glassfish 3.1
> Administration Guide) but also found some suggestions on the Web that we
> should now prefer mod_proxy_ajp. I'd like to hear from you if you know more
> about this. Thanks to those read my posting!
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> --
> [Message sent by forum member 'leontabak']
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